Breathe Culture

where beautiful mistakes thrive

Archive for photography

Beach Boy

Beach Boy

Originally uploaded by Marcela P.

gorgeous.  Love the light, the disheveled hair, the desaturation, and the ink.

My favorite thing about Washington DC.

Ok so I really don’t know much about Washington, DC, but what I do know is that is where Jake Brewers profile says that he’s from. Jake added me as a contact on flickr a few months ago, and without him doing that I might still not know about him. He has travelled over much of the world and has wonderful intent  “…to travel the world, recording with words and pictures the incredible mystery, wonder, horror, and beauty that is humanity. To thereby raise awareness of world issues for the unaware; to the end that world problems might not go unnoticed or ignored, but be exposed and healed for the greater good of humankind.…to connect people, organizations, ideas and resources so that anyone, anywhere can imagine and act upon building a world where all people can lead free and dignified lives. “As of today he has 10 photos in Flickr Explore, which as those of us who are wise in the Flickr ways, know is quite special. So basically, he’s a great photographer who is friendly, knowledgeable, well traveled, and constantly adding more photos for our enjoyment. So if you want to see some culture, some diversity and some simply spectacular photos pop on over to Jake Brewer and give yourself some time… It’s hard to leave his photos without looking at them all!!   

365 days & Sarah Bloom

I just need to brag a little off the top, I did my second university level midterm today and got 84%. Pretty good, and definitely a pass!  My topic for today is partially the 365 self portrait project but more so one of the projects members.   “sadandbeautiful” (Sarah Bloom) as we know her on Flickr has been in this project for so long that she’s already onto her SECOND year of self portraits!I find this amazing because I made it only to about day 66 before running out of creative power.  If you don’t know anything about the 365 project, you should check it out, it’s a great tool for self awareness and is interesting to see what photos people post to represent themselves.  ©anniewisc For Instance :)Back to Sarah though, not only has she been part of 365 for a LONG time, she has also contributed some simply SPECTACULAR photos.  Softly Glow  Day 100, Baby!!  FUTAB on acid ( She has her photos copy written so I couldn’t post any for examples, but just click the links to see what I’m talking about, you wont be disappointed.  ) She also keeps a blog, where she talks about her sobriety, love, and her daughter just to name a few topics.From that website you can check out the multitude of other things she is involved in, publishing her own books, selling her photos, and even supporting Unicef! Wow. What does this lady not do? She’s a powerful role model for women everywhere who need to learn how to accept their bodies and learn to love. A perfect fit for the “Breathe Culture” featured photographer!  

Life through a lens

Recently I joined a group on Flickr called “Life through a lens“.  With just over 1,000 members and over 6,000 photos, it is an active community that has already drawn me right in.  The basic premise of the group is to obtain real and meaningful comments on your photos instead of the simple “good job” or “nice shot” comments you get in most other groups.  You post a photo of your own to the group, and then you comment on the previous 5 ahead of yours. Simple!The first photo I added was,   I had taken quite a few shots in this place and wanted some feedback about this shot. If you follow this link, you will be taken to my site where you can read the wonderful comments left by some really talented people.”kate mellersh”  “batedbreath” and  “word artist” were definitely the most helpful and gave great constructive criticism.  What more can you ask for?The second photo that I added to the group was one that I loved, but had noticed was overlooked compared to some of my others. I took this photo while doing a surf tour in Australia, and the comments it received were just as insightful. Some top ones being from, “J-Fish”,  “alessandra.j”, and “Edwin Dalorzo”. It does mean a lot to get these comments, and then look at the photos of the person commenting because I find in this group, everyone is top notch! One other thing to really appreciate is the admins of the group take the time to recognize members of the group who do their part, above and beyond what is asked for in the group rules.There is a “Golden Lens Club” where members are recognized for their contributions.  If that doesn’t make you feel good, I don’t know what will.