Breathe Culture

where beautiful mistakes thrive

I’m Ange.

Hi I’m Ange, and I have not blogged in over a month.

It’s a good thing I am cute… or else Keira might un-link me 🙂


Russell Peters and getting low

This post is inspired by a night out at the bar in Fort St John. 

Intrigued yet? 

Having watched one of my favorite comedians again the other day, his words were fresh in my mind as I was shaking my junk all over the place.

The song “Low by Flow Rida” came on, and everyone piled onto the dance floor. 

As the chorus blares over the speakers with the bass pumping I notice one thing, and it made me burst out into laughter. We Canadians LOVE doing actions to songs…

Get low, low, low, low, and what are all the people on the floor doing? Getting low.

I have to admit there was maybe one person on the dance floor that actually looked GOOD while “getting low”, so I stood tall, rebelled against this terrible “getting low” phenomenon and laughed.

You should watch this video from Russell Peters and you will understand the hilarity. I’m not making this up, you will giggle! (especially if you were like me and had to learn random dances in elementary school)

Maori Art

Skin III

Originally uploaded by isolatediguana

While in New Zealand back in 2006 I fell in love with the Maori people and culture. The tattoos specifically were something that drew me in. Many of the tattoos are traditionally on the face, of course I doubt I will ever be that brave. I love the strong bold designs as well as the flowing curved lines.
The most recent tattoo of mine is Maori inspired and I am proud to have a piece of their culture as part of my art.
Check out some more pictures here.
Check out some more about the culture here & here.


Beach Boy

Beach Boy

Originally uploaded by Marcela P.

gorgeous.  Love the light, the disheveled hair, the desaturation, and the ink.

A lesson

In some frustration I have been experiencing lately, I would like to share with the internet world the proper back-road driving etiquette.  

As a part of my job I drive my medical unit out to different locations. In doing so, I usually end up driving on a highway riddled with moose, deer and frost heaves in all sorts of weather conditions. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they then get us to drive on gravel/mud/ice “lease” roads to actually reach our site location.


I will use the Alaska Highway as an example as it is a hub for all oilfield activity in BC.  Just to confuse us, they decided to mark the highway in Miles starting at Dawson Creek, Fort St John is mile 32 and so on, all the way to Alaska.  The roads that we work on are named with the number of the mile you are at, which tends to be rather confusing for us as we are given all of our directions in KM’s. 
Anyways, when you do find the lease road you were looking for, you then get to do the FUN part.

Immediately upon turning onto the road you should pull over, there will be a sign posted somewhere in that vicinity stating the frequency that you should turn your radio to. 

(I’m on the 103 RD and using the Anadarco Channel)

Photo Cubwolf (Dave Smith) on Flickr

Once you do this you should announce to everyone on the road what you are driving, which direction, and where you are. For insance: Pickup, empty at 0 on the 103.

It’s very unfortunate but even these beginning steps are too hard for some, and it creates real danger for the others on the road.

In case you didn’t know, anytime you are driving INTO a site you call “empty” (I use logging trucks to help me remember, as they would be empty going into the forest to pick up logs)

When you are leaving your site you call “loaded”, not because you are drunk, but because your logging truck would now be full! How exciting!

The KM’s are marked in nice yellow, white, or sometimes even red signs easily seen from the road. 
This system is handy because on the thin, muddy, twisty turny roads it’s nice to be able to pull over and wait for someone to pass rather than risking a head on collision.

One other thing that you will need to know is that “loaded” trucks always have the right of way, that means that if you are EMPTY you must be the one pulling over to let the loaded truck go by. This also is the case with one lane bridges.

I also recommend when driving in the back road to follow the posted speed limit (usually 70KM/hr) and to anticipate road conditions and use 4×4 when appropriate.

Have a road safety kit with you, as sometimes there is help nowhere near and no cell phone service in the area. You do NOT want to be stranded without the basics like food, warm clothes, water etc.

Be sure to call A MINIMUM of every second KM on the road and when you arrive at your location announce “empty/loaded pickup clear the ___ rd at KM___. 

The radio is not a personal cell phone, you should not carry on in conversation with your friends, no matter how interesting YOU think your story is. Blabbering on and on makes it impossible for this system to work as only one person can talk on each frequency at a time.

I have personally heard FAR too much personal information shared on the radio, keep those stories to yourself.

If everyone follows these simple guidelines there’s a good chance that we will all be able to travel on these crazy roads and continue to do our jobs in a safe and respectful manner!


For everyone that has never been on a back road and never used a radio, it can be fun, you CAN use nicknames like “rubber ducky” and you can use lingo like “10-4”. 

It’s something about my job that is unique and fun, and that you would never do while working in an office in downtown Vancouver. Hope everyone learned something from this very random post!



At the moment I am the only girl within aprox 25 km in all directions. The crew that I am working with is amazing and only a couple times have I been hit on. Yesterday though I had an interesting conversation with one of the guys. He asked me a very simple question. “Are you happy?” It seemed that for the first time in over 2 years I was able to say without hesitation, “Yes!”  What a great feeling, to be happy despite daily stresses, missing people, and busy day to day life.

I Angela Campbell am HAPPY!

Looking at Flickr today I decided to search through the top interesting photos for the word happy, and needless to say, there were some amazing shots. I will share a few!

Walkabout Wolf - Flickr

bocalvermelha - Flickr

Luis Montmayer - Flickr

(Please click on the photos to be taken to the Photographers site, browse their pictures and leave comments on the gorgeous work!)

I ride my bike.

Life is busy, and the north is slowly warming up. Basically that means there is mud, slush, water, and dirt everywhere. Fortunately there is also warm air, and sunshine!  My friend Katie and I have decided to take the month of May to recharge and focus on getting fit. To help me along with this, I decided to buy a bike. Personally I hate biking, but decided that it’s great exercise and having found a bike I thought would actually be fun to ride around helped a lot.

I went to Canadian Tire and bought a wonderful “Cruiser Bike“!  It’s an old school bike with springs in the seat, no gears and the simple back pedal brake. I love it.  It reminds me of what my grandparents would have been riding around on while meeting up with friends at the local ma and pa diner!bike

It is going to be the perfect thing for me to doddle about on, because I know I won’t be going on any “mountain” excursions unless I am in my xterra!

What might just be the best part, is that it came with a basket. Meaning, my lovely little puppy Tonka will be coming along and riding in style!

Next step, gotta buy me a helmet! (Safety First!!)

falling in love

It’s amazing how attached you can get to something/someone so quickly.For me lately this has been my new dog Tonka. He’s a little English Bulldog and he’s the best decision I’ve ever made.It’s been a rough go with work not letting me take him with me (as they originally had said would be OK) but everything has worked out and it’s a joy watching him grow!He’s a little nasty biter when he gets hyper but when he’s calm he’s the best little boy ever.I can’t imagine life without him… ah.. love… img_0050.jpg

we do so little

As I type this I have about 23 hours left of work until I will be getting a GLORIOUS 8 days off.  Having worked 35 days in a row I think I deserve it!I’ve decided to make some changes in my life in an attempt to perhaps curb my perpetual bad luck. I’m picking up my SUV from the body shop hopefully all fixed and in working order. I am also adding a member to my family of 1. I’m getting a British Bulldog puppy!  In doing so I am growing up, getting some real responsibility. It’s about time. 🙂  I guess the main thing I wanted to write about was I’m trying to decide if I should sponsor a child.There are many different aid organizations all over the world that allow you to “sponsor” a child.  I have been thinking about doing this for a while, as I definitely can afford to give 30$ a month. My only concern is what organization to go with?  I know quite a few people who sponsor through World Vision, but in all honesty am looking for something not religiously affiliated. I would not want my money to be kept from someone because of religion. Nor would I like people who need the money pretending to follow a religion because they are the ones with the cash.  Not that I am sure in any way that this happens, I just feel better going with an organization that accepts anyone from anywhere for any reason.  One other thing I worry about is exactly how much of my money I donate is going to make it to the family. Or does it get put into whatever the organization feels it needs to go to at that time?  Is it OK to simply trust that an organization that is truly out there helping people would have the needs of the people at the top of the priority list? Unfortunately I am hesitant to trust completely in our day and age people use any medium possible to take advantage of others. Including exploiting those in need.I’ll post again when I have made up my mind. Be expecting some silence as I’m sure sitting on the computer will not be my #1 priority in the next few days! 

My favorite thing about Washington DC.

Ok so I really don’t know much about Washington, DC, but what I do know is that is where Jake Brewers profile says that he’s from. Jake added me as a contact on flickr a few months ago, and without him doing that I might still not know about him. He has travelled over much of the world and has wonderful intent  “…to travel the world, recording with words and pictures the incredible mystery, wonder, horror, and beauty that is humanity. To thereby raise awareness of world issues for the unaware; to the end that world problems might not go unnoticed or ignored, but be exposed and healed for the greater good of humankind.…to connect people, organizations, ideas and resources so that anyone, anywhere can imagine and act upon building a world where all people can lead free and dignified lives. “As of today he has 10 photos in Flickr Explore, which as those of us who are wise in the Flickr ways, know is quite special. So basically, he’s a great photographer who is friendly, knowledgeable, well traveled, and constantly adding more photos for our enjoyment. So if you want to see some culture, some diversity and some simply spectacular photos pop on over to Jake Brewer and give yourself some time… It’s hard to leave his photos without looking at them all!!