Breathe Culture

where beautiful mistakes thrive

Archive for give

we do so little

As I type this I have about 23 hours left of work until I will be getting a GLORIOUS 8 days off.  Having worked 35 days in a row I think I deserve it!I’ve decided to make some changes in my life in an attempt to perhaps curb my perpetual bad luck. I’m picking up my SUV from the body shop hopefully all fixed and in working order. I am also adding a member to my family of 1. I’m getting a British Bulldog puppy!  In doing so I am growing up, getting some real responsibility. It’s about time. 🙂  I guess the main thing I wanted to write about was I’m trying to decide if I should sponsor a child.There are many different aid organizations all over the world that allow you to “sponsor” a child.  I have been thinking about doing this for a while, as I definitely can afford to give 30$ a month. My only concern is what organization to go with?  I know quite a few people who sponsor through World Vision, but in all honesty am looking for something not religiously affiliated. I would not want my money to be kept from someone because of religion. Nor would I like people who need the money pretending to follow a religion because they are the ones with the cash.  Not that I am sure in any way that this happens, I just feel better going with an organization that accepts anyone from anywhere for any reason.  One other thing I worry about is exactly how much of my money I donate is going to make it to the family. Or does it get put into whatever the organization feels it needs to go to at that time?  Is it OK to simply trust that an organization that is truly out there helping people would have the needs of the people at the top of the priority list? Unfortunately I am hesitant to trust completely in our day and age people use any medium possible to take advantage of others. Including exploiting those in need.I’ll post again when I have made up my mind. Be expecting some silence as I’m sure sitting on the computer will not be my #1 priority in the next few days! 

Show a little LOVE

I know I don’t have that many readers that check in on a frequent basis, but if you are stopping by and you are a nice person you will continue to read.My friend Keira-Anne is awesome, and she is participating in a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  They will be having a beach party while bowling and helping to support a great organization who unites kids with quality mentors.For a long time I have said that I wanted to become a big sister, and as I am working way up north in the middle of nowhere I am living vicariously through Keira as she does her thing! So… donate… if you think about it, take that $10 you were going to put towards something like coffee, a new shirt, a dinner out, and support these kids.. trust me.. they need it more than you do!:)   So click here to support Keira and just in case you were worried, yes you do get a tax receipt.